Synopsis: Michael Clarkton is a small town graduating college senior. He feels alone in the world, living with the ability to manipulate the fabric of reality with his thoughts. A childhood of disbelieving parents and a lot of doctors force him into a life of secrecy. But when he falls into an unexpected love with Rylan, his gifts are rekindled.
As he's navigating this new relationship, Michael is recruited into a secret organization of operatives with similar powers. They're fighting a war - a war against a massive intelligence apparatus with enormous resources.
Just as life starts falling into order, Rylan's connection to the agency bent on eradicating Michael's kind will unleash chaos. This revelation will force loyalties and push the limits of their budding romance.
Can a forbidden love survive the odds stacked against it? Or will a new love come between them? What will Michael's role be in the line of duty with his kind?
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